Protecting Your Trees from Bagworm Infestations
What are bagworms? Bagworms are a type of moth that live in bags made from silk and bits ...
Everything You Want to Know About Bur Oak Trees (and Acorns)
Welcome to our series on trees 101! Each post, we will dive into common trees in the ...
Protecting Your Trees from Heat Stress in Summer
Tree heat stress can significantly impact trees and potentially kill them. Though we can’t control the weather, we ...
Emerald Ash Borer
What is the emerald ash borer? The emerald ash borer is a green beetle that is native to Asia. ...
The Importance of Pruning Your Trees
Pruning trees is both an art as well as a science. Like all good art, there are rules ...
Why do your trees need a fertilization treatment?
A common belief among homeowners is that all trees are self-sustaining. In actuality, the trees you see throughout ...