Arbor Masters Saves Post Oak Tree with Air Tooling Technique

On a family property in Shawnee, Kansas, our Certified Arborists were called to evaluate a large Post Oak tree and completed air tooling techniques.

Tree Examination and Consulting

plant health care

Arbor Masters specializes in providing plant health care across Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma and Texas. On a family property in Shawnee, Kansas, our Certified Arborists were called to evaluate a large Post Oak tree. The tree is a staple of the family’s backyard, standing nearby a large gathering area and fire pit. The client was concerned that the tree was dead and needed complete removal, changing the environment of their favorite entertainment area. Upon inspection, our arborists developed a care plan for the tree using air tooling techniques.

What We Found 

roots of a tree

The arborists observed tip dieback, a sparse canopy and bark damage at the base of the tree that was in the process of resealing.

At first glance, the tree appeared to be near the end of its life, however, our Arborists were optimistic the tree could be saved with the right treatment program, and in time, return to its former beauty in the client’s entertainment space.  


air spading techniqueplant health care

“The key to turning around tree health is to first find out the root cause of the damage. Once identified, you want to stop the rate of decline by prescribing treatments. Those treatments, coupled with other services that combat the secondary stressors accumulated over time, can help the tree return to its former condition, avoid costly removal and replanting and continue to enjoy the benefits the tree provides.” – Daniel Cottier, Arborist, Arbor Masters.

Arborist Response and Air Tooling Service Provided

plant health care

The treatment plan for the large Post Oak will take place in stages. The Arbor Masters team used a bark spray air tooling treatment that provides disease suppression and wound care. The spray was applied from the ground level to five feet above the soil line, completely coating around the entire trunk. The tree absorbs the product spray through the vascular system, allowing the treatment to spread throughout the entire tree. The first air spading treatment was in October 2022. 

  • Plant health care (PHC) diagnostic service revealing previous construction damage during building of entertainment space 
  • One-off vertical mulching service to address tip dieback indicating previous root damage 
  • Multi-round deep root fertilization service to provide nutrients to promote a dense canopy 
  • Trunk spray service to enhance wound closure at base of tree as well as suppress root rot fungus 
  • Spring monitoring visit scheduled to evaluate future growth 

arborist takes care of trees


Summer 2023 Update 

This post oak was originally treated in October 2022 with an immune boost and disease suppression treatment to promote response growth. Trees compartmentalize when they’re wounded, forming a wall of tissue to close up over damage and reduce exposure to decay. It’s the same response that can be seen on pruning wounds. In Summer 2023, Arbor Masters returned to evaluate the vigor and rate of regrowth in the Post Oak tree. The Plant Health Care technicians followed up with strategically timed trunk sprays and fertilization services throughout the year, leading to the following results:

Our team is dedicated to your trees’ health and well-being. Want to learn more about Arbor Masters plant health services? Contact Us!

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