Saving this Majestic Mission Hills Pin Oak

Read how the Arbor Masters team gave this decades-old pin oak another chance at longer life! Check out our cabling and bracing techniques.

Decades Old Pin Oak Gets a Second Chance
Routine Tree Examination and Servicing

During inspection of a Overland Park, KS client’s property, the certified arborist team observed a structural hazard on a 42” Pin Oak tree. The tree had a co-dominant branch connection with significant buildup of competing bark from years of improper care. The tree had been improperly pruned consistently and supported with misaligned cables in an attempt to keep the tree intact. As a result, the cabling had collapsed, creating a significant split down the center of the Pin Oak tree’s trunk. The client had consulted with competing arborist teams, and they had all consulted that the Pin Oak tree was not able to be preserved and recommended complete removal.

What We Found 

When Arbor Masters arborists arrived on site, they noted a large split down the center of the trunk where they could see through the entire structure of the tree, improperly placed cabling and evidence of years of improper pruning. 

“The Pin Oak tree had practically split into two seperate trees. We knew that with practical pruning and proper structural support, our team was going to be able to save the client’s tree.” – Tyler Woodard, Certified Arborist at Arbor Masters

Arbor Masters Response and Services

  • Pruning 
  • Wound Sanitation 
  • Structural Cabling 
  • Structural Bracing 
  • Root Flare Excavation 
  • Trunk Spray Treatment 

The Arbor Masters team pruned the Pin Oak tree to reduce the load on the branch connection. The arborists reduced the overall canopy at the outer 1-foot to 3-foot branch connections. During pruning, the team sanitized their tools between each cut and sealed each cut with Cut Guard as a part of Arbor Masters’s Oak Wilt Prevention protocol. After pruning, the team installed two structural support cables in the canopy of the tree and three bracing rods in the trunk, measuring 42 inches in diameter at breast height. The team has a complimentary Root Flare Excavation to address the buried root flares and girdling roots found during inspection and a reliant trunk spray treatment to help suppress any potential fungal activity and increase the overall immune system of the tree. The Arbor Masters team will continue to monitor the tree during regularly scheduled annual checkups as part of our comprehensive plant health care plan watching for any changes or symptoms in the leaf tissue, upper canopy decline, growth, and any changes in the structural support cables and bracing rods. 


bolt and cable

If the homeowner had not consulted the expert arborists at Arbor Masters, another company would have removed the tree altogether. At Arbor Masters, trees trust us. Our tailored comprehensive plant health care plans allow your damaged trees to grow back strong and healthy. 

Want to learn more about Arbor Masters’s plant health services? 

Contact us today for a quote!

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