Fort Worth Tree Inventory

Fort Worth Tree Inventory

Tree Inventories seek to create a partial or complete picture of all the trees on a property. They are popular with municipalities, HOAs, and owners of large commercial properties. At Arbor Masters, we offer three distinct types of a tree inventory, including:

Sample Inventories 

We’ll record a random sampling of trees that will give you enough information to be statistically relevant. From there, you’ll get an idea of the general character of the trees on your property and any concerns they may face.

Leaves with chlorosis in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Partial Inventories

A partial inventory will look at a specific subset of trees on your property. It may be a catalog of a particular species or trees that are older. While you won’t have a complete picture of the trees on your property, it can help you get to know a specific problem tree better.

Tree lined street in Cedar Rapids, IA.
Full Inventories

Full inventories are the most in-depth, and we’ll examine every tree on your property and provide you with statistics on its age, condition, and any signs of problems that you’ll want to seek professional help for. 

Crab apple trees in bloom in Marion, IA.

Why You Should Have a Certified Arborist Conduct a Tree Inventory

  • Budget for Tree Care

    A tree inventory will help you decide how much you’ll want to set aside for your tree care in the next year. Our inventory will tell you what trees need pruning or removed, so you can plan ahead of time. 

  • Identify Risks Early

    Most property owners and business owners are not able to recognize the signs of risk to a tree’s health that an ISA Certified Arborist can. We’ll catch problems early so you can get your trees help as soon as possible. 

  • Determine Invasive Species

    Have a mysterious tree on your property and not sure how it got there? We’ll determine if it’s invasive and if a professional should remove it. 

  • Understand Property Value

    Trees add value to your property, and the value they add is determined by the age, condition, and species of a tree. With a tree inventory, you’ll have this information when it comes time to assess your property’s value. 

  • Follow Local Ordinances

    Fort Worth is a Tree City USA community and has numerous ordinances and rules around trees. We’ll ensure you aren’t violating any of these ordinances. 

An arborist explaining tree inventory process to a customer on private residence in Kansas City, MO.
Knowledgeable Oversight

“We appreciate the knowledgeable oversight of our arborist Getth Nelson in the care decisions for our trees.  Maintaining healthy trees is very important to us as they bring beauty and cool shade to our lot!  We are very happy to trust their care to Arbor Masters.”

Rebecca Walker

Reliable Service You Can Count On

Why Fort Worth Trusts Arbor Masters for Tree Inventories

We’re the premier tree care company in Fort Worth and for many reasons, such as:

  • 60+ Years Experience: We’ve been in business for a long time and have honed our craft since our founding in 1960. 

  • ISA Certified Arborists on Staff: ISA Certified Arborists are tree experts who consistently stay up to date on developments in tree care. 

  • Comprehensive Services: If we identify invasive trees or a sick tree, we can offer additional services to take care of the problem. 

An arborist of Arbor Master measuring a tree trunk circumference on a property near Tulsa, OK

Certified and Accredited Tree Care Professionals

ISA On Staff

What to Expect When You Hire Arbor Masters

We strive to make the process simple for you and effective for the trees. In general, our process follows these steps: 

  • 1

    Initial Assessment

    We’ll meet with you to determine the size of your property and the scope of the project to get an idea of what kind of tree inventory you want and the type of data you need. 

  • 2

    Create a Quote

    Once we have an idea of the scope, we can provide you with an estimate and timeline for the project. Once you accept the plan, we’ll get to work. 

  • 3

    Conduct the Inventory

    We’ll take a survey of your property, examine every tree on the property, and make notes of their age, condition, size, and any pressing concerns. 

  • 4

    Record the Data

    We use state-of-the-art software to record all the data from a tree inventory. Our software can quickly organize the data, making it easier to provide it to you and give you recommendations. 

  • 5

    Provide Results

    When we’re done, you’ll have data to use at your discretion to plan for future tree work. We may also provide some recommendations on how to care for your trees based on the data. 

Arborists inspecting a nearby tree.

The Type of Tree Inventory That’s Right for You

Determining what type of tree inventory to have done is a crucial step and one we’d love to help you with. 

  • Full Inventory: If you’ve just purchased a commercial property or have never had a tree inventory done before, you may want to opt for a full inventory that can help you understand everything about the area and its trees. 

  • Partial Inventory: These are perfect when you are worried about a specific problem. For instance, if you know you have several ash trees on your property and read a report of increased emerald ash borer activity, a partial inventory of all ash trees will give you actionable information. Many municipalities choose to do this for street trees in the right of way. 

  • Sample Inventory: A sample inventory is a cost-effective method to get information about your entire property without examining every tree. While you won’t have comprehensive data, you should have enough to plan for most tree work. 

Very Accommodating and Professional

“Great service all around from a great company. Getth was very helpful in making sure the process was smooth, and everything was taken care of! Crews were very accommodating and professional. All around completely satisfied.”

AJ Deen

The Best Time of Year for Tree Inventory Services in Fort Worth

Arbor Masters performs tree inventories year-round. However, we find it easiest to perform the service in the summer months. This allows us to see the trees fully leafed out and get a better idea of the size and any signs of insects or diseases. Since most insects and diseases are not active in the winter, a tree inventory may not be able to catch a sick tree. 

It may seem difficult to identify a tree in the winter when it has no leaves, but this isn’t a problem for our expert arborists. They can identify trees by their bark, buds, or branch structure. 

Providing Reliable Data to Keep Your Property Beautiful

Tree Inventory FAQs

Tree inventories are best for commercial clients, such as an HOA board, condo board, retail stores, or golf courses. We also offer tree inventories to smaller municipalities. 

The size of the property and the amount of trees will heavily factor into the price of a tree inventory. The price also fluctuates depending on the amount of information you request from your tree inventory. 

A tree inventory gives you an overview of all the trees, their condition, and any pressing concerns that you’ll want an arborist to handle. 

A complete tree inventory is something worth doing every five to ten years. 

Great Job of Reviewing My Trees

“Did a great job of reviewing my trees with me and letting me know what sorts of things needed to be done with them, fully explained everything so that I could have a complete understanding.”

Brian Waters

Our Service Area

Get More Information About Caring for Your Trees on Our Blog

Our ISA Certified Arborists publish monthly blogs on topics related to tree care and tree concerns in Fort Worth. Check out our articles for all the latest information on tree care. 

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An arborist from Arbor Masters installing cables in a tree in Shawnee, KS.

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A volunteer planting a tree sapling near a home in Cedar Rapids, IA.

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A large tree that split and failed during a storm in Des Moines, Iowa.

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Arbor Masters using a lift truck to prune a large tree after a storm in Davenport, IA.

Protect Your Property and Investment - Schedule a Tree Inventory Today!