Efficient Tulsa Tree Pruning
Tree pruning is one of the simplest things you can do for your trees to keep them healthy and looking beautiful. At Arbor Masters, we offer various types of tree pruning to fit whatever your trees need. Our tree pruning methods include:
Crown Raising

Storm Damage

Crown Thinning

Young Tree Structural Pruning

Vista/View Pruning

Crown Cleaning

Crown Reduction

The Best Time to Prune Trees in Tulsa
While we offer our tree pruning services year-round, different kinds of pruning are best in different seasons. Tailor your pruning schedule to what kind of pruning work you want us to do. Typical pruning in each season includes:
Spring: We typically prune spring-flowering ornamentals as soon as they finish blooming in the spring.
Summer: Summer is an excellent time to prune and shape your tree, as you can see what it looks like when it is fully leafed out.
Fall: Limit your fall pruning to removing dead and diseased material, as pruning can spur new growth that won’t survive the winter.
Winter: Save your major pruning jobs for the winter when the tree is dormant, and diseases won’t be able to enter through the wounds.
4 Reasons Tulsa Residents Trust Us
We’re a trusted tree care company in the greater Tulsa area, and for good reason. Some of the things our customers love about Arbor Masters include:
Putting the tree first: We don’t just do what’s best for our bottom line; we always make recommendations and provide care that’s best for your trees.
ISA Certified Arborists on staff: Arbor Masters is proud to have ISA Certified Arborists on the team who can lend their expertise to all aspects of tree care.
Follow all ANSI A300 standards: The ANSI A300 standards are voluntary guidelines we follow that ensure the least stress to trees during pruning.
TCIA Accreditation: We’re proud to be recognized by the Tree Care Industry Association for our commitment to following the best business and tree care practices.
DIY Pruning is Dangerous; Leave it to the Experts
While it may not seem as obviously dangerous as something like tree removal, tree pruning is very dangerous, especially when handled by a layperson. Every year, many people are injured throughout the country trying to save a few bucks handling pruning on their own. They may fall from a ladder while pruning high branches or a branch unexpectedly falls on them and injures them.
Not only is DIY pruning dangerous to you, but it also can harm your trees. Making cuts at the wrong point or pruning too much will damage your tree and won’t provide the typical pruning benefits.

Certified and Accredited Tree Care Professionals

The Arbor Masters Pruning Process
What to Expect When You Hire Arbor Masters
We have been fine-tuning our tree pruning process since our founding in 1960. Over the years, we’ve always striven to do what’s best for trees and what makes things simplest for our customers. Here’s what the pruning process looks like:
We’ll examine your trees, including where they are located and what kind of pruning they need.
We’ll send you an electronic quote with an upfront price and an outline of what work we’ll be doing.
Once you accept the quote, we’ll work to schedule you when it’s convenient for you and makes the most sense for your tree.
We’ll follow all ANSI A300 standards while pruning your tree and ensure we do not harm the tree.
We’ll chip any pieces we can on-site and clean up any debris from the pruning process. Let us know if there’s anything else we can do before we leave.
The Benefits of Pruning for Your Tulsa Trees
Many Tulsa homeowners don’t understand just how helpful pruning is for their trees. Some of the benefits of pruning include:
Better air circulation and light penetration to get light to lower portions of the tree
Reduced risk of branches breaking off in a storm
Making a tree more aerodynamically sound to avoid failure in a storm
Increasing the life expectancy of trees
Better aesthetics
Pruning is an investment for your trees and something that is worth having a professional perform regularly.

What Your Neighbors Are Saying
Our Tulsa Service Area
The team at Arbor Masters is proud to serve the greater Tulsa area with our high-quality tree care. If you want more information on if we cover your neighborhood, call us at (918) 258-3444 or visit our service area page for more details.
Sand Springs
Valley Park
There’s no exact schedule to keep with your trees for pruning, but, in general, mature trees can benefit from pruning every 3-5 years. Newly planted trees can benefit from more frequent pruning.
Yes! While most homeowners can handle pruning small trees without injuring themselves, every year, people are injured trying to prune large trees without the proper training and equipment.
When done correctly, pruning your trees will cause minor stress to a tree, but it will quickly recover from the cuts. Improper pruning techniques can cause long-term damage to a tree.
Depending on the size of the tree, we may climb into the canopy to remove branches or use our bucket truck to reach high branches. We may use pole saws, loppers, or chainsaws to trim branches, depending on their size.
More Information on Tree Pruning in Tulsa
Want to learn more about taking care of your trees in Tulsa? We publish a new article every month detailing how to care for your trees. See our full list of articles on our Tree Care Blog.
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